After dropping Jack off, I stopped by and talked to a few ladies about how nervous and anxious I was, wondering when Kyle would make his arrival. The previous day I had my doctor's appointment and was told I was 4 centimeters dilated but only 50 - 60% effaced. It was the 4 centimeters dilated that had me so anxious. In my head that was the key number you had to be to get an also meant I was in "active labor" at least according to my phone app.
I then walked across the street to work. My suite mate in my office area asked how I was feeling and also said "I think it would be so cool if your water broke today, here at work". I laughed because I didn't think that was going to happen. I also emailed a friend who had been praying for our little family this whole pregnancy. I shared with her my concerns and worries and asked her to pray for them. She sent back this verse in her email:
Praying that you will cast ALL of your fears and anxieties at His throne.
I continued working and decided around 11:45 I'd better go to the bathroom and then get my lunch. On my way out the door to the restroom our secretary decided to carry on a short conversation. As she was talking I noticed something was happening. I was trying not to be rude, but also trying to run to the restroom to see if my water had indeed broken. Once I got there, I was pretty sure it had. My water also broke with Jack so I was familiar with how it felt. But this wasn't as big of a change as with Jack so that was why I kept telling my family "I think my water broke?"
So I went back to my desk to log off of everything and tell my co-worker that I was pretty sure my water had broken. All of this while laughing because she had wished for it. Needless to say she was very excited but I told her just in case I was wrong to not say anything to anyone yet. So off I went to the hospital. Ben also left work to meet me there.
I arrived and parked on the 3rd level of the parking garage, walked past the welcome table at the hospital and asked where triage was (I thought I knew where it was, but I wanted to be sure). They asked if I needed a wheel chair but I said no, I was fine. As I neared the elevator, I noticed more and more fluid. I now knew for sure that my water had broken. I arrived at the check-in station and one of the things I remember most vividly was when they asked for my social security number, I had to pause and seriously think for a moment. As I was getting checked out at triage, Ben arrived.
I was right, so they wheeled me over to a delivery room. They started the pitocin and my antibiotics right away. I wasn't really feeling much for the first hour or two - except for the horrible pain the antibiotics were causing in my veins. My mom arrived (Ben's mom picked up Jack from Parents day out and later brought him to the waiting room) and after a while I started asking my mom and Ben when I should be asking for the epidural. I didn't want to ask too early but I wanted to say, "I'll take it whenever you will give it to me." My mom and Ben said I didn't seem like I was having any pain or contractions but I was.
Finally, around 3pm they came in to give me the epidural. I wanted to let the guy know that my epidural with Jack did not do what it was supposed to because I was still in horrible little spot in my back and I could feel everything! This time was so much better. I was having contractions but I was still able to be super still and let him do his job. Although, while he was working my water then REALLY broke. Originally, they said my water must have ruptured at the top of the uterus and was just trickling down, now the whole thing broke. It was the strangest feeling. After that, everything started progressing really fast. But the best part was...I felt nothing!
My dad and Sherry came a little later and the tv show Friends was on so we watched a little tv. My dad kept commenting on how much better I looked this time than when in labor with Jack. At around 5:30 they checked me and I was at a 10. So everyone left the room except for Ben and at 5:45 we did two sets of three pushes while counting to 10. After the second set they said we'd better stop or the doctor wasn't going to make it. So we just all hung out (for about 20 minutes) until the doctor arrived. Still, I didn't feel a thing. She came, I did two or three sets of pushes and out came Kyle. He was born at 6:18pm.
More to come on the first days of Kyle's life and when Big brother meets Little brother.
I arrived and parked on the 3rd level of the parking garage, walked past the welcome table at the hospital and asked where triage was (I thought I knew where it was, but I wanted to be sure). They asked if I needed a wheel chair but I said no, I was fine. As I neared the elevator, I noticed more and more fluid. I now knew for sure that my water had broken. I arrived at the check-in station and one of the things I remember most vividly was when they asked for my social security number, I had to pause and seriously think for a moment. As I was getting checked out at triage, Ben arrived.
I was right, so they wheeled me over to a delivery room. They started the pitocin and my antibiotics right away. I wasn't really feeling much for the first hour or two - except for the horrible pain the antibiotics were causing in my veins. My mom arrived (Ben's mom picked up Jack from Parents day out and later brought him to the waiting room) and after a while I started asking my mom and Ben when I should be asking for the epidural. I didn't want to ask too early but I wanted to say, "I'll take it whenever you will give it to me." My mom and Ben said I didn't seem like I was having any pain or contractions but I was.
Jack in the waiting room...supposedly used up everyone's phone battery while watching Bob the Builder on their phones. And when I say watching Bob the Builder, he doesn't actually watch the show, he just watches the first 10 - 20 seconds of the intro song and then plays it again.
My dad and Sherry came a little later and the tv show Friends was on so we watched a little tv. My dad kept commenting on how much better I looked this time than when in labor with Jack. At around 5:30 they checked me and I was at a 10. So everyone left the room except for Ben and at 5:45 we did two sets of three pushes while counting to 10. After the second set they said we'd better stop or the doctor wasn't going to make it. So we just all hung out (for about 20 minutes) until the doctor arrived. Still, I didn't feel a thing. She came, I did two or three sets of pushes and out came Kyle. He was born at 6:18pm.
First official photo... he was a screamer!
It's a boy!
Still upset...ready to be wrapped up.
Skin to Skin time with Mommy. I'd like to preface this picture by saying I was at work the morning Kyle was born...I did not do my makeup just for these pictures, it was already done. :)
Officially 8 pounds 5 ounces
Mommy and baby eye contact
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