
June 30, 2012

Jack's Big Boy Room

It seems like everyone asks if we moved Jack to a new room.  No. We didn't.  When I originally decorated his nursery, I did it so he could grow into it.  So most of what you see here in the pictures, were in the room originally.

Big Boy Bed
Around the end of June we decided to go ahead and transition Jack to his toddler bed.  I had been going back and forth about waiting to do this till he was climbing out of his crib or doing it now before baby Kyle arrived.  We hadn’t had any problems with Jack and his crib, so it was hard for me to justify this transition now.  But thinking about having to do it possibly right after Kyle got here, I felt like this would be the best time.

So one Saturday, Ben, Jack and I went upstairs.  Ben and I told Jack that we were going to make him his big boy bed.  He was excited.  He played and put together his Mickey Mouse puzzle in his room as we were dismantling part of his crib.  The crib we got was convertible so all we had to do was take the front panel off the crib.  Then we attached a bed railing to the open side of the crib.  Jack was so excited during this whole process.  Once the bed was put together he climbed right up and got comfy.

We completed this process Saturday morning so that he could try out his new bed during nap time.  It was a success!  He did great, but Jack has always been a great sleeper.  He has done great since then.  Hasn’t tried to climb out yet, I’m sure once I post this he will.  J 

New Baby Monitors
We also got a new baby monitor so that we could have one in Kyle’s room.  We ended up getting the Motorola 2 camera system.  Surprisingly this was a great deal at Babies R Us.  Usually they have higher prices but this combo was cheapest there.  We also wouldn’t have normally gotten the larger screen on the monitor but this one gives you the capabilities to move the camera from the handheld monitor.  This is awesome!  I can be downstairs while Jack and Ben are playing upstairs and I can scan the whole room 360 degrees to watch them play.  I’d have to say we or at least I am pretty addicted to the baby monitors.  We have now moved the old monitor to the playroom.  I’m thinking our wireless internet is going to be having trouble when all three monitors are in use.

This side of the room originally had Jack’s Texas Rangers toy box which is now downstairs in the living room.  We were given a “large” preschool table with 6 chairs (the kind you see in Sunday school rooms) which we put in our playroom.  Then we were left finding a place for the Mavericks table and chairs.  This spot was perfect.  Right now it is being used as a mini train station table.

There isn’t much difference to this side of the room except there is no more changing pad...that went away around 6 months or so.  It is just easier to change Jack’s diaper on the floor.  We have also added the stoplight timer on the shelf.  We haven’t used this yet.  It is for when he does start getting out of bed... we have talked about red means “stay in bed” and green means “get up”.  You can set the timer to go off at a certain time whether that be at the end of nap time or in the morning. 

From this view you can see starting at the left that we added our “rain gutter” bookshelves and took away the glider.  We waited a few days after we put his big boy bed together to make any other sudden changes to his room.  Taking out the glider was a little sad for me.  The night before, Jack and I sat and rocked in it.   Normally, he would sit facing forward in my lap while we rocked but this night he turned around and let me rock him like a baby.  I don’t normally put him to bed so this was a very sweet moment.  After we had moved the rocker, Jack would ask for a couple of days “chair?” and we’d say “Remember, it’s in baby Kyle’s room” and then he’d be on his way.  We’ve since moved his sports rug to the corner and sit on that at night for the end of his bed time routine.  I hope to get some pillows or bean bag chair type things to put in this corner.

We also moved his train station into his room.  It had been in the middle of baby Kyle’s room and knew we needed to change this pretty quick.  He plays with his train station now even more.  Every morning he wakes up and says “play train station?” or from his bed he’ll say “I see Thomas train!” 


  1. Cindy, you never cease to amaze me!Can't wait to see the two Goodyear boys playing together with the train! - kaykay
